learn about tesla gigafactory

Learn About Tesla’s Gigafactory

Advancements in AI and the IT sector are grabbing the spotlight of the entire world. Multiple firms and organizations are burning candles at both ends to restore balance to the world ecologically and artificially. They are striving hard to minimize human workload without damaging nature.

Although they have not ultimately succeeded in this journey, however, with persistent hard work and willpower, one can achieve anything. It may look like a philosophical quote, but it isn’t. It is the motto of one of the world’s largest automotive companies. We are discussing no one but Tesla.

Tesla: An Ultimate Gateway to Evolution

Tesla has gained ground over its competitors cleverly. It aims to build a world of IT powered by natural resources with zero damage to nature and a minimal workforce. Along with a gang of phenomenal IT pros, Tesla commenced its revolutionary journey in July 2003. Tesla owns Headquarters in Austin, Texas, and numerous subsidiaries like Tesla Energy, Deep Scale, Maxwell Technologies, Tesla Energy Operation Inc., Tesla India, and many more.

Usually, people consider Tesla just a car manufacturing company. However, Tesla produces way more stuff than we perceive. So, what does Tesla manufacture? 

They produce diverse power equipment, but their revolutionary production is electric vehicles (which they usually call EVs). 

They manufacture incredible power storage devices like solar roof tiles, batteries (for domestic and commercial use), solar panels, and other energy-conserving products.

What gives Tesla the lion’s share?

According to global statistics, Tesla manufactured millions of electric vehicles (EVs) till the first quarter of 2022. Like you, the rival companies also wonder about the trump card of Tesla Inc. 

The invention of electric vehicles was the first revolutionary stance taken by Tesla. We are quite familiar with the adverse effects of gas vehicles on the environment. Moreover, industrial wastes and pollutants add insult to injury. Tesla felt the need of the hour and concluded nature-friendly solutions for both fundamental obstacles.

Tesla’s EVs are no less than any gas vehicle. However, they are more reliable, eco-friendly, and user-friendly comparatively. These EVs consist of lithium-ion batteries that one can charge from a charging station.

Tesla also replaced the concept of enormous industries, excreting tons of waste, by introducing a Gigafactory. Tesla follows its slogan Ride Free. Therefore, its research and invention revolve around producing maximum outcomes with minute human efforts and zero nature damage. Hence, Tesla introduced Gigafactoryin 2016.

Your Guide to Tesla’s Gigafactory

Tesla launched its first Gigafactory in Nevada, USA, when a desperate need for power storage equipment like lithium-ion batteries arose. Its prime purpose was to support the annual production of Tesla’s EVs.

Tesla threw the phrase Gigafactory due to its inspiration from the word Giga. It was a symbolic manner of representing sales and production in billions. 

What makes Tesla’s Gigafactory different from others?

Tesla is working to provide the human generation with the best of both worlds. Therefore, you will find less crew but more production at Gigafactory. How is it possible?

Robots and Humans work hand in hand!

Tesla’s Gigafactory uses robots for competitive production. These AIVs (Autonomous Indoor Vehicles) work with the workers on the production line, logistics, loading materials, etc. They do not require particular arrangements like follow-floor mechanisms for working in the plant.

Tesla’s AIVs possess a navigation system, which has an upgraded map in it. Therefore, they know where to go and what to do. While encountering any obstacle, their sensors detect and command the robot to avoid the hurdle. In short, AIVs and humans work together and manufacture thousands and millions of electric vehicles.

Using resourceful tactics to power the factory

Unlike other factories, Tesla’s Gigafactory uses renewable energy sources to power its plant. They have installed solar rooftop tiles and panels in the functional area. Other vehicle manufacturing industries discharge loads of waste materials polluting the aqua life. In short, factories contributing to the destruction of nature have invited a perfect storm. 

The CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, claims Tesla’s Gigafactory has turned the tides of traditional vehicle manufacturing. Their industries are producing promising results with negligible ecological damage. These factories not only power themselves but store a tremendous amount of energy, which can power the external world. Therefore, in a recent clip, Elon Musk stated that about 100 Gigafactories could power the whole world. It signifies the enormous amount of sustainable energy produced by a single Gigafactory. 

Tesla’s Gigafactory: A World Tour

Currently, Tesla owns five Gigafactories all across the globe and aims to expand the Gigafactory setup in the future. In a recent video, Elon Musk shared his goal of achieving up to 12 Gigafactories in the upcoming years. He also stated that he would select the location for his future Gigafactories. 

Every Gigafactory is in and of itself an example of persistence and evolution. Let’s have a quick overview of the fantastic five Gigafactories. 

Gigafactory 1: Giga Nevada 

Tesla established its first-ever Gigafactory, which they call Gigafactory 1 or Giga Nevada. Gigafactory 1 got inaugurated for production in 2016 in Stone County, Nevada, USA. Tesla’s Giga Nevada manufactures lithium-ion batteries, power storage devices, and electric vehicles (one of the most magnificent future projects) – almost the whole nine yards. 

The following are some fundamental aspects of Giga Nevada.

Enormous Structure

Giga Nevada has a gigantic setup in vast fields of Stone County. The building itself is 1.9 million square feet in area. However, about 5.3 million square feet of functional space are available along the building. 

People find it quite amusing when they acknowledge the building setup of Gigafactory 1. Its building is 30% developed. However, the remaining portion is operational and available for further construction.

Manufactured Products

We know Tesla for its high-quality devices as its workers cut the mustard in the production and management unit. All products manufactured by Tesla always hit the mark. Similarly, Giga Nevada offers a diversity of products and by-products. Here, we have shared the list of particular products manufactured at Gigafactory 1. 

  • Lithium-ion Batteries
  • Tesla Powerwall: a rechargeable lithium-ion battery used for energy storage and afterward usage at the domestic level.
  • Tesla Powerpack: a rechargeable lithium-ion battery used for energy storage and load-shifting in minute businesses. 
  • Tesla Megapack: a rechargeable lithium-ion battery used for energy storage at a large scale, like at power stations. 
  • Tesla EVs (Electric Vehicles) – projected for future productions. 

Production Line

Giga Nevada produces a massive amount of chargeable batteries annually. In 2018, Tesla’s Giga Nevada became the highest battery-producing industry with an annual production of 20 GWh. By May 2019, Tesla claims to achieve 24 GWh production of batteries altogether. 

Altogether, Tesla aims to increase the production rate by 50% in the upcoming years.

More to come!

Tesla’s Gigafactory 1 is all set to launch the production of Tesla’s electric truck, the Tesla Semi, in 2023. It is an entirely battery-powered truck with a mileage of 650 km with 80% battery charging. Tesla mentioned Tesla Semi in its Master Plan in 2016. 

In December 2021, Gigafactory 1 started a gradual production of Tesla Semi and manufactured about five trucks weekly. Currently, the management has stopped production but aims to continue in 2023.

Gigafactory 2: Giga New York 

Tesla’s second Gigafactory, located in Buffalo, New York (USA), is a well-oiled machine in production power. Giga New York got launched in 2017 (a year after the massive success of Giga Nevada). 

Tesla has benefited people worldwide and ruled everyone’s heart. Here are some noteworthy features of Tesla’s Giga New York.


Tesla always hits the nail on the head with its impeccable architecture and structural integration. The iconic structure of Giga New York is about 1.2 million square feet. The entire area is perfectly operational and used for assembling and manufacturing Tesla’s signature products. 

Signature Products

Tesla is famous for its sustainable energy usage and production worldwide. They use the most significant energy basis, The Sun, to overcome the energy needs at domestic, commercial, and industrial levels. 

Gigafactory 2 follows the same principle. Therefore, they promote the usage as well as manufacturing of solar products, including,

  • Solar Modules/Panels & cells: a metallic array used to store, conserve, and utilize solar energy at every scale.
  • Tesla Superchargers: a charging station with 480 Volt DC for speedy charging. To support the smooth drive of EVs. 

Employment Sector

Currently, there are about 1500 workers employed in Gigafactory New York. However, it faced massive controversies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tesla lost its employment rate in April 2020. The case had numerous court hearings, which served as a one-year extension for Tesla. The court gave Tesla a year to fulfill its employment commitment to its employees. 

Luckily, Tesla overcame the dark times and hired more workers than the committed rate. If Tesla had failed in its case, it could bring devastating results to Tesla with a $41 million fine

Hence, workers at Tesla work without concern about their jobs and future because they know Tesla stands by its workers.

Gigafactory 3: Giga Shanghai

The Legendary evolution of Tesla continues as they establish their third mega-scale Gigafactory in Fengxian District, China. The factory geared up for production in 2019 with a grand inauguration by the CEO of Tesla.

 In August 2022, the CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, congratulated the Tesla Gigafactory in Shanghai on manufacturing its Millionth vehicle. It symbolizes the speedy growth in the production sector of Giga Shanghai (as the name suggests – production in billions). 

Here are some more fascinating traits due to which Giga Shanghai is gathering the limelight in the automotive industry.

Sturdy Construction

Giga Shanghai is one of the world’s largest EV manufacturing industries. The Chinese professionals work altogether to unveil the Tesla EVs on an operational area of 4.5 million square feet.

Building Up Products

Tesla has formulated Giga Shanghai peculiarly for the production and assembling of Tesla’s signature Electric Vehicles (EVs). Gigafactory 3 manufactures a substantial amount of EVs annually for China. However, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM) allocated a precise portion of the exports of China for Tesla’s EVs (manufactured in Giga Shanghai).  

The following are the products manufactured at Giga Shanghai. 

  • Tesla Model 3
  • Tesla Model Y 

Production Sector

The entire automotive sector is peeking at Giga Shanghai’s growth rate, which exceeds the expected range at every estimation. In short, the production rate at Giga Shanghai is gathering everyone’s attention and fueling the curiosity of automotive specialists. 

With an army of 15000 dedicated workers, Giga Shanghai can produce 750,000 units of Model 3 and Model Y annually. If we have a glimpse over the statistics of Giga Shanghai’s previous production rate, this number shows a 67% increment in the production rate.

Gigafactory 4: Giga Berlin

Tesla Inc. achieved another milestone in the constitution of Giga Berlin. Tesla officially completed the formulation of Gigafactory 4 in 2022 in the capital of Germany, Berlin in Brandenburg. The factory is now operational and ready to embark on history on automobile grounds. 

The colossal structure of Giga Berlin makes it an attractive point for vehicle wizards. However, there are still more features unexplored by people. Let’s uncover the incredible achievements of Giga Berlin.

Highest Employment Rate

The latest statistics reveal that Giga Berlin has the highest recruitment rate in the entire Berlin. The plant started working with 5000 employees and currently owns over 8000 workers.

Quality over Quantity!

As mentioned above, Tesla focuses on quality products rather than the number of manufactured products. Presently, Giga Berlin is just manufacturing Tesla Model Y but aims to place the first brick of production of the Tesla Model 3. Giga Berlin produced about 1000 electric vehicles in the week of June, which we can count as an enormous triumph. Tesla plans to expand the current capacity to 250,000 annually. They also intend to manufacture millions of lithium-ion batteries.

Gigafactory 5: Giga Texas

Tesla commenced its largest Gigafactory in Austin, Texas (USA) in 2022. Giga Texas, a paradise in itself, slightly differs from other Gigafactories. It has an eye-catching area for the public, so they can have plenty of long walks, maintain their physique by jogging, etc.

One of the largest Gigafactories!

One of the most compelling facts about Giga Texas is its existence as a whole shebang. It has a giant structure stretched over 10 million square feet in the vast fields of Austin. 

Like other Gigafactories, they have covered the entire roof with solar panels and rooftop arrays for continuous beneficial energy production.

Production Division

Like other Gigafactories, Giga Texas also manufactures its products based on the essentials of Tesla Inc. According to recent news, Giga Texas is manufacturing,

  • Tesla Model Y
  • Lithium-ion batteries

Tesla believes that EV production is in full swing thanks to Giga Texas. It has contributed significantly to uplifting Tesla. With firm determination, Giga Texas has crossed over another breakthrough. It has achieved a production rate of 1000 Model Y weekly. Tesla management is optimistic about stretching the production rate in the upcoming years.

Just a Beginning

Giga Texas has just begun and believes passing over a long road map ahead. Tesla Management has officially declared to start up manufacturing of Tesla’s Cybertrucks in a few years. This fresh news is trolling everywhere on social media, and vehicle pros are going crazy about the flawless design & specs of Cybertruck. Some of Tesla’s competitors have commented on its slick tricks of Tesla, and we all deep down agree with them. Therefore, we can say that Tesla knows how to steal the limelight in the market. 

Tesla has announced multiple models of Cybertruck, which are not in production now. However, they have geared up well for the upcoming roller coaster rides in the future, and so we are.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many Gigafactories does Tesla own?

Tesla owns about five Gigas currently, including,
1- Giga Nevada – USA
2- Giga New York – USA
3- Giga Shanghai – China
4- Giga Berlin – Germany
5- Giga Texas – USA
However, Tesla intends to expand the number to a dozen.

3. Who is the owner of Tesla?

The CEO of Tesla, Elon Musk, is the highest shareholder of Tesla compared to others. The world also knows Elon Musk as the Richest Person on Earth. 

4. What is the production rate of Tesla per year?

If we sum up all the products manufactured by Tesla’s factories, we conclude that Tesla has a production rate of 1.9 million units annually.

5. Does Tesla have factories other than Gigafactories?

Surprisingly, Yes!
Tesla owns numerous factories globally. Some of them are,
1- Tesla Fremont Factory – California, USA
2- Tesla Facilities in Tilburg – Tilburg, Netherlands
3- Tesla Grohmann Automation – Germany
4- Tesla Toronto Automation – Canada
5- Tesla Shanghai Supercharger Factory – Shanghai, China

6. Which one is the least expensive Tesla Car?

We can call Tesla Model 3 the cheapest electric vehicle manufactured by Tesla. You can get the car for between $46,990 to $77,990. The price range varies for the customizations depending on the needs of buyers.